Learn: How To Fix Inconsistency In Fitness

Inconsistency in fitness happens when you go on a hiatus from your journey every once in a while (weeks/months) which eventually inhibits the effects of those isolated efforts you have made. Due to muscle memory  there's always hope even when you've been on hiatus for years. It is based on that hope that I bring you a few ideas on how to deal with inconsistency so you can have a smooth ride all the way. 
Firstly, there are about four reasons why anyone might be inconsistent:
  1. No Motivation/Interest : You don't derive pleasure or value from working out, You find it hard to dedicate time for the activity. 
  2. No Ideas: You’ve done the same exercises over and over again and now they are boring. You don't know what to do at home or at the gym anymore. 
  3. No Results/Patience: You are not seeing the results you want. Mostly, you try again when you find a new routine that might work.
  4. No Money: You can't consistently pay for gym services or renew your supplement supply. 
For the four reasons above, I present four solutions: 
  1. Find Value: It is possible that you have found value in fitness and you just need an affirmation. Affirmation means assurance that the value you have found is true (worth it). To get this affirmation you must constantly and actively search for those who derive same value from fitness. Find out their workout routines, their diet and join them in working out so you can enjoy that value you desire that they already enjoy.Generally, there are three forms in which people derive pleasure/value from fitness: financial value, health value and aesthetic value. Personally, I find working out to be therapeutic because it lifts my mood (health value) but I also do it for the way it makes me look (aesthetic value). Lately, I have made money working as a trainer and writer in fitness (financial value). There are numerous benefits people derive from fitness, find yours and get it. 
  2. Find Your Fit Fam: If you aren't associating with other fit minds on the social media platforms or at the gym then you would certainly lack motivation or ideas. You would also constantly doubt your efforts if you don't see the people who have achieved doing same routines. You have to actively associate with the fitness family in your locality and on the social media platforms to stay motivated and learn new ways to hit your goals. More importantly, you learn from them the right way to do it which is key. 
  3. Find A Mirror/Camera: It's easier to say it doesn't work or quit before it works if you don't workout with a mirror and if you don't take seasonal pictures of your gains. The before and after might elude you if you never took a shot. More importantly working with a mirror shows you the little changes that occur which is motivating even though you think your body returns to normal later in the day. The mirror shows you which muscle is being worked on with each exercise. If you can see and feel the tension in those muscles, it is easier to believe that it's working.
  4. Find A Space At Home: Eventually, there would always be that day when you can't make it to the gym. This is the only option for the man who can't pay the gym subscriptions. Working out at home comes with its challenges but good Lord, there are social and fitness applications. Your body weight is all the weight you need and the furnitures at home. You can do pull ups at the small gate or burglary, do step and stairs exercises with the staircase or any raised floors at home. Then, all the things you can do with a wall, a chair and the floor. A whole post should be dedicated for that. 


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