Six Workout For Tricep Definition

I couldn't help but over hear the cry of a fellow gym enthusiast who has been on the grind for almost a year now but hasn't seen the results he wanted. He particularly desired tricep cuts even though he had decent mass gain. This is not an isolated problem as most guys especially those of the mesomorphic build are unhappy with their muscular definition. 
While I plan on putting an article up on general muscular definition, this post is focused on achieving tricep definition (cuts) which should help resolve the problem of my gym mate. 
Mesomorphs and endomorphs tend to have the problem of gaining without definition because they also battle fat. Another reason why this happens has to do with the exercising technique. Hence, there are three reasons why you may not be seeing the results you want:
  1. You are a mesomorph or endomorph who is also battling fat.
  2. You are doing programs that make you gain mass fast but don't give you definition. 
  3. You are only using heavy weights. 
The first reason is a natural one while the others are technical. If you feel you are faced with the first, then you may want to engage in cardio/aerobic exercises that would get you leaned up. As regarding triceps, using a punch bag should be helpful as that would shred the arms more than any other part which is the area we are focused on in this post.  
Regarding the second reason stated above, there are several full body or compound exercises that would blow your triceps up, they include the bench press and pull up amongst others but these full body exercises may not give you the cuts you are looking for. It is known that full body exercises boost mass gain which is why they are recommended for ectomorphs who have very little (basically internal fat) fat to deal with but full body exercises are not enough for the mesomorph who wants definition. It's always advisable to incorporate a few isolation programs in your routine even for ectomorphs (although ectomorphs should have fewer isolation programs and more full body programs). 
I have listed six isolation exercises you can do to get tricep definition although the last is a compound exercise that should also help in this course. There are several other isolation or compound tricep exercises that have not been highlighted here (e.g skull crusher, dips) but they would be treated subsequently. 

I have previously put out a video on how you can do the basic bicep and tricep curls right. The rule in that video serves as a general rule for all or most tricep/bicep workout. A tutorial video related to this post has also been attached to demonstrate each of the exercises listed below which should guide you.  
  1. Supported Tricep Kickback: Get some bench support and do the tricep kickback with comfortable weights. 
  2. Unsupported Tricep Kickback: Bend forward with back well straightened and do the tricep kick back without a bench support.  This can be used as an alternative when a bench is unavailable but it's usually a supplementary workout to the supported kickback. 
  3. Tricep Extensions : The two arm tricep extension can be done using a rope or short bar. The general rule for tricep curls applies here too. Your shoulders and upper arm shouldn't be part of your motion. Take a firm stance by placing your right foot forward.
  4. One Arm Tricep Extension: Get an attachment for one arm cable function and do the same tricep extensions for each arm.  This is a complementary exercise for number three above. Interchange the foot placed forward with alternating arms for a firm stance. i.e right arm,left foot and left arm,right foot. 
  5. Overhead Tricep Extension (Dumbbell): The overhead tricep extensions are very potent and can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or cables. The exercise movement is similar to the skull crusher only that this is done while standing or seating. Ensure your elbows are faced forward and your upper arm doesn't move once hinged in place for this workout. You can start by holding the dumbbell behind and finishing up with your arm straightened out to the ceiling. 
  6. Overhead Tricep Extensions (Cables): Complement the above exercise by doing same arm movement with cables. Use a short bar to work both arms together. 
  7. Close Grip Bench Press: Since full body programs boost mass gain. It's important to incorporate one or two full body programs that would also build your triceps. The close grip bench press has been suggested here but there are alternatives like the diamond push up or the basic pull up. 
While this routine would be ideal for a mesomorph or endomorph,an ectomorph can pick one or two exercises that could be added to their program in addition to any full body/compound exercises they already do. You should do three sets of ten repetitions for each exercise listed above. 
The third reason listed earlier referred to heavy weights. It is important to incorporate light weights into your routine if you are looking for muscular definition. Light weights are relative but by definition should mean weights you are comfortable with which you can use for higher repetitions i.e up to fifty repetitions. 


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