Burn Belly Fat Fast

Mountain Climber

Women of all cultures have three problem areas: belly fat, flabby arms and broad shoulders. Belly fat is not isolated to women only, men deal with this issue but aren't as concerned as their female counterparts. I have categorised belly fat into three problem areas: upper abdomen, lower abdomen and side fat. 
This article is focused on building the lower abdomen but there are some programs shown here that would help the obliques as they are generally core workout so they in fact build the upper abdomen. 

This article is specially designed for people who have lower belly fat or love handles (side fat) but not necessarily upper belly fat. Yes, this happens when you have achieved some level of fitness and may have what they call “four pack” but certainly the goal is to have a “six pack” or “v-line”. At this stage some people quite and give up because it gets a bit challenging from here as you tend to work harder without seeing results.There are three reasons why this may be happening:
When you do cardios, the body prioritizes the parts where fat would first be shed. The upper body is usually the first target before lower body fat is shed, so if you have achieved results upward, you should keep at it because you are on the right track. The following cardio routines are the best for you and are in fact required to burn fat all over the body:
  • Treadmill( HIIT): Do high intensity training on a treadmill where you run at a fast pace for 30 minutes and rest for 5 minutes on a brisk walk. You can also do this outside the gym but you'd need a stopwatch and a workout buddy to time you. You should use a track so you can tell the distance covered each time. You should still run at a fast pace for 30 minutes with 5 minutes rest time while brisk walking. Do this three times a week.  
  • Jump Rope: The jump rope is said to be more effective than your treadmill cardios.You can start with 50 skips per set and 5 sets at a go with a minute rest. Grow gradually to 100 skips or more till you can do a total of 1000 skips per session. Use a jump rope regularly, four times a week or more. 
If you only have lower abdominal fat, then you can start doing the following abdominal (belly) workout in conjunction with the aforementioned cardio workout. You should particularly focus on using a jump rope while at these:
Head Raises
  • The head raises shown in the images/videos should improve the appearance of your core muscles (abdominal muscles).
Leg Raises
  • The Leg raise is very helpful for lower abdominal muscles. You can get even better effects by doing a 180 leg raise as depicted. Using a ball or cone improves your coordination and consistency on this move. 
Mountain Climber
  • Mountain Climber is even more effective especially for developing v-lines.
  • Side-Mountain Climber: Is that what it's called? This move is very effective for lower abs and the obliques (side-fat).
  • I'm Hanging leg raises: The hanging leg raise is by far one of the best ways to achieve lower abdominal fitness. You should start from less the least intense moves and progress gradually. 
All lower abdominal workout should be done at least three times a week. You should do a total of 100 repititons daily for all abdominal workout. You should also work on other body parts as the muscles are all connected and work better that way. Remember the cardio routines suggested.


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