My Explosive Lower Body Workout
Your workout routine is not complete without a lower body workout and it doesn't get any better than my explosive lower body workout.
This routine targets your thighs,hamstrings , butt and calves. It is ideal for all body types including males and females.
It starts with a rigorous cardio that burns a minimum of 100 calories and over 200 calories in 20 minutes. It also incorporates cable workout as well as free weight oriented exercises that have been improvised for maximum results. Some of the exercises demonstrated have been borrowed from the lower body routine of top fitness model Joshua Cummings who happens to be my role model in fitness.
Let's Begin:
- Start With A Stationary Bike: Set the bike for the hill program and use heavier weights. I usually go for 265 lbs but you can go for lower weights. Also go for higher levels like that of 5 or upward. Use the HIIT program for this exercise; cycling as fast as you can and resting at intervals by cycling at moderate speed. It’s best to stay off your seat for more power which would result in more calorie burn. You can burn nothing less than 100 calories on this program in 20 minutes. This is a perfect cardio for ectomorphs since they aren't looking to lose much mass. Cycling is focused on the lower body, hence, muscular strength is built in thighs, calves,hamstrings and butts with minimal loss of mass in upper body.
- Warm Up With Leg Extensions: Use the basic cable machine to do leg extensions. Use moderate to heavy weights for up to 30 repetitions in 3 sets. This is just a warm up for what is to come.
- Squat Your Butt Out (Basic Squat): Start the intense routine with basic squats using a barbell, keep weights moderate or heavy all through, doing 30 repetitions in 3 sets. Use a disc under foot to impact calves which are also a target on this lower body routine.
- Do Explosive Lunges: To do explosive lunges (demonstrated in tutorial video), start with your basic lunges using a barbell but finish each repetition with a knee up. Return to lunge position without setting foot mid way on the floor. While this may be difficult for a beginner you can in fact set foot mid- way on the floor until you get used to this routine. Start out with light weights and grow to medium weights. Continue till you get comfortable with this exercise and skip setting foot on floor mid way through each repetition. You should do 5 repetitions in 3 sets for each leg.
- Seat Your Butt Down (Supported Squats): Using a flat bench or stool, do supported squats by seating with light to moderate barbell weights. Do 30 repetitions in 3 sets.
- Bend Your Hams Out (Ham Squats): Holding a barbell in same position as you would for a basic squat, lean forward like you would for a deadlift to get the impact on the hamstrings. Do 30 repetitions in 3 sets. Stick to light or moderate weights.
- Do Supported Lunges: Do supported lunges using a flat bench and moderate to heavy weight Dumbbells. If you choose to use barbells, then stick to light to moderate weights as supported lunges are more intense than the basic lunges. Place one foot behind you on a bench while you lunge forward. Eliminating the foot support has more impact than the basic lunge.Watch your form and control your movement.
- Dumbbell Squats: Do dumbbell squats using moderate to heavy weights. Use steps to create more impact on thighs by allowing dumbbell drop lower as you squat. Do 30 repetitions in 3 Sets.
- Cool Off On Step Ups: It is important to gradually introduce muscles to heavy weights, it's also necessary to cool off on lighter weights. Use step ups to cool off your leg routine with light to moderate weights. An average sized chair (careful with your choice here) or two to three steps should do.
- Calf Extensions: Start your calve focused exercise with calf extensions on a basic leg extension machine. To impact your calves, place legs like you would for basic leg extensions only that you place foot on the lower arched position on the footboard (Usually, stickers are placed on these machines to demonstrate the exercise). Do 30 repetitions in 3 sets.
- Explosive Calf Exercise: Find a suitable raised platform in your gym where you can do a calf workout such that your foot is placed halfway on the platform. Bend forward holding a dumbbell (moderate/heavy weight ). Supporting yourself on any machine or wall, raise hills upward in several repetitions until failure (You can place a step close to a wall to do this--see tutorial video).
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