The Deadlift
Some would place the deadlift as the number one exercise for back muscle growth but I'd place it at number four. The pull up, barbell row and cross over come before it in my own classification probably because I love light weights and of course the deadlift is a heavy weight program.
The deadlift is a full body program that would also benefit your hamstrings. I am referring to the conventional deadlifts as there are different types of deadlifts such as the hack, rack, sumo,trap bar, snatch grip and Romanian deadlift. The barbell row is sometimes called a deadlift too.
The conventional deadlift is similar to the Romanian deadlift and they are wrongly interchanged but each work on different parts of the back. The conventional deadlift works on the mid back while the Romanian deadlift works on the lower back.
Precautions should be taken when doing deadlifts as injury can occur in lower spine if heavy weights are lifted wrongly without the aid of a safety belt. I have written and done a video on doing deadlifts as well as gym safety which covers the issue of safety when doing deadlifts.
You can improve the quality of your deadlifts by using steps as illustrated which prevents you from dropping weights on the floor as you do each rep.
The following steps should help you do your deadlifts safely:
- Your feet should be placed midway under the bar without your shins touching the bar at first.
- Bend your knees to reach the bar with your arms vertically placed on both sides. Your shins would now touch the bar.
- Lift the weight midway to your thighs with head facing forward and back straightened out.
- Repeat movement up to ten times and do three to five sets.
- When lifting heavy weights, you may want to alternate your hands as you grip the bar.
Technique has always been an issue with the deadlifts. If you do it right, you would realize promised benefits. It is advisable to do this with light weights at first before progressing to heavy weights.
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