Intense Fat Burner Routine
For those of you looking to shed fat from top to bottom, this at home fat burning routine is for you. You can also use this routine at the gym as a warm up alternative to the treadmill. This is recommended for mesomorphs and endomorphs and should be used seldomly by ectomorphs seeking to gain mass.
In this routine, you would be doing six on the spot fat burning exercises in 30 minutes non-stop. They include butt kickers, jogging on a spot, knee ups,squat jumps, shuffle punches and jumping jacks.
The Routine:
- Butt Kickers: You might find sprinters doing butt kicks before a race. This is because it strengthens the hamstrings and quads which improves their speed. Start off with your butt kicks, doing this continuously for 5 minutes. Ensure that the hill of each foot touches your butt as you jog. This is why they are called butt kickers.
- Jogging On A Spot : According to Wikipedia, jogging has the potential to increase your lifespan by reducing the effects of aging and aiding cardiovascular function. Follow up immediately with you jogging on a spot. Place both palms behind your butt such that the hill of each foot touches your palm. This is to ensure consistency with your jogs. This should be done for five minutes.
- Knee Ups: The squeeze you get from the “knee up” would help strengthen your lower abdomen while you work your legs. The knee up is less tedious than the aforementioned exercises so this is an opportunity to catch your breath. Do your knee ups with both hands stabilized in front as depicted in tutorial video. Ensure you lift your knees as high as you can by squeezing the lower abdomen on each side.
- Jump Squats: Jump Squats will activate your thighs, Resume with jump squats for the next 5 minutes. Ensure to start with a squat and finish with a jump. Also, ensure you squat all the way down.
- Shuffle Punches: You may have seen footballers doing shuffle punches on the pitch in preparation for a match. This is an effective activation workout for the upper and lower body. Shuffle punches can also help burn arm fat. Engage in this for five minutes and ensure to keep it fast paced.
- Jumping Jacks: Finish this routine with jumping jacks for the next five minutes. You may no longer require cardio workout for the day if you are a mesomorph but endomorphs can move onto the treadmill, stationary bike or jump rope.
Notes: You can do this routine holding two light weight dumbbells (5kg). If you are going to use Dumbbells, you can expect this routine to shred your arms of fat. You should stick to the Dumbbells throughout the routine.
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