Couples Workout Outdoor

Following my last post on couples workout, I decided to do an outdoor version which would give couples an idea on how they can have an exciting workout together even without the equipments found in the gym.  I have divided the exercises described into four parts which are cardio, lower body workout, abdominals and upper body workout. 
The routine should take approximately 45 minutes to be completed. Try this routine at the cool of the evening with your spouse following these descriptive guidelines:

The cardio exercises suggested may require cones, stones or markings on the ground.
  • Cone Drills: Cone drills are mostly used by athletes, especially soccer players. We know you are not an athlete hence we have only suggested some mild drills which can in fact be done even without cones. The idea here is basically activation for workout which can be achieved with the following exercises:
  1. The One Leg Hop:For a soccer player, the one leg hop is used to build endurance and improve coordination. The closer the cones are spaced, the more difficult it is to hop through in a straight line. Considering this is a couples workout, a spacing slightly over a feet should do. Hop above cones to meet each other at a point by arranging your cones in a circle where you two start at a point hoping away from each other until you both complete a semi-circle by meeting at a point. No Cones? No worries, use stones or a stick to create marks on the ground. You should do three sets.  
  2. Forward Jump Squats: Foward jump squats do not require cones but you want to meet your spouse at a point by arranging the cones in a circle.  Using cones arranged at calculated distances would help you make precise jumps each time.You should do three sets of this. 
(Use 20 cones or more to create your circles)
  • Side Jump Squats: Do side jump squats side by side for 30 repetitions or more in one super set. 
All exercises above are cardio exercises that would also tone the lower body. 

LOWER BODY:  Since the above cardio workout is focused on the lower body, you can compliment that with the following exercises:

  • Step Side Lunges: Do 10 repetitions of step side lunges and switch legs. Do this facing each other while communicating with your eyes and keeping count. 
  • Couple Squats: Carry your spouse on your shoulders to create more tension on your thighs while doing the usual body weight squat. Most likely only the stronger partner may be able to pull this off. Do one superset till failure. 
ABDOMINALS: All abdominal exercises here only require a mat. A single mat for you and your spouse. 
  • Set Up One (Reverse Bridge Plank And Supported 90 Degree Crunch): One partner takes a reverse bridge plank position while the other lies on back using the first partner’s shoulder as a leg support. The second partner would do 3 sets of 15 repetitions of crunches such that his/her arms touch the ears of the first partner who remains in reverse bridge plank during each set. You both rest after each set for 30 seconds and switch positions after three sets. 
  • Set Up Two (Couple Crunch): Seat in basic crunch position facing each other while doing the basic crunch, tap each other's hands to keep count. Do three sets of fifteen repetitions. 
  • Set Up Three (Leg Raise and Supported Plank): One partner lies on back and raises arms upward,holding the feets of the second partner who should be in plank position. The first partner does leg raises for 45 repetitions in 3 sets while the other partner remains in plank position. You both rest after each set and switch positions after three sets. For this to work, you must approach each other in alternate form. 
UPPER BODY: The following exercises would require a mat and even bars. 
  • Set Up One (Push Up With Even Bar Reverse Crunches): In this set up, one partner lies in push up position while the other partner hangs on the bar using the back of the first partner as a support. The hanging partner does reverse crunches on the bar using his/her feet to signal the first partner on when to push which is a way to keep count. This setup is well demonstrated in tutorial video above. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each workout then switch positions. 
  • Set Up Two (Couple Push Up): Just as couples do planks using hand taps as a counting measure, couples also do push ups facing each other, using hand taps as a counting measure after each push. Do 45 repetitions in 3 sets. 
  • Set Up Three(Tricep Dips):Do tricep dips using bars or steps. Do 45 repetitions in 3 sets. 
In all four sections above, all muscles groups have been worked on for a total experience outdoor. Try it sometime.


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