Learn: How To Fix Inconsistency In Fitness
Inconsistency in fitness happens when you go on a hiatus from your journey every once in a while (weeks/months) which eventually inhibits the effects of those isolated efforts you have made. Due to muscle memory there's always hope even when you've been on hiatus for years. It is based on that hope that I bring you a few ideas on how to deal with inconsistency so you can have a smooth ride all the way. Firstly, there are about four reasons why anyone might be inconsistent: No Motivation/Interest : You don't derive pleasure or value from working out, You find it hard to dedicate time for the activity. No Ideas: You’ve done the same exercises over and over again and now they are boring. You don't know what to do at home or at the gym anymore. No Results/Patience: You are not seeing the results you want. Mostly, you try again when you find a new routine that might work. No Money: You can't consistently pay for gym services or renew your supplement supply....